Saturday, June 10, 2017

You can test Zobo Water using a Hydrogen test H2 Blue

H2Blue is a reagent (liquid) which can be used to demonstrate the antioxidant capacity of hydrogen-rich water. When the drops are placed into water containing dissolved molecular hydrogen, the blue drops turn clear. H2Blue can also be used to measure dissolved hydrogen levels in parts per million (mg/L) using the included graduated beaker. One 10mL bottle contains approximately 450 drops, enough to do approximately 100 hydrogen-level measurements.

Zobo Water "Healthy Water"

Our objective is to produce the healthiest water in the world.

1. Purification and filtration
2. Re-structure the water
3. Re-energise the water
4. Hydrogen enriched  the water with nano bubbles

We have three types of water

A. Zobo - Purified water
B. Zobo - Treated  water for structure, energy, Hydrogen nano bubbles
C. Zobo - Flavored water using a Zobo Health syrup that is made with Hibiscus, Ginger, and various fruit juices

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Zobo Water launching 2016

Zobo Water Launch 2017

The company is currently raising funds of $2.5m  for 25% of the ordinary shares in Zobo Water Company  with exclusive rights for the whole of Nigeria with 180,000,000 people consuming 360 million liters of water per day.

Subject to sales forecasts the returns to investor are predicted to be in excess of 25% per annum.
The company plans to build the company sales and net profits to over $5m in the next 36 months valuing the company at circa $50-100m

Zobo water will be sold through distributors in over 50 countries in Africa starting with Nigeria in 2017

Our  mission statement is to Produce a healthy natural water made using a three step process to restore the nature energy and structure to water with options for flavored water  from local ingredients.

The water will be purified and mineralised using state of the art plasma and ionisation technology.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Zobo Water supports Malaria program

For one day a year zobo water will donate all its profits made on that day to Malaria prevention projects. The more we sell on that day the more can be donated to Malaria prevention projects.

Infographic contains tips on how to make untreated water safe

Keep your mouth closed in the shower and be picky when you brush your teeth: Infographic reveals the countries around the world that have water safe to drink

  • Report uses research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
  • Does not indicate water is necessarily unclean, but rather harmful for immune systems not used to that environment

  • Infographic contains tips on how to make untreated water safe 

Access to safe drinking water is undoubtedly the most essential requirement for every traveller. But knowing where it is safe to drink the water can be confusing, with conflicting information available.
A new infographic using research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies which countries have safe water for visitors - and which do not.
It is important to note that not all the countries indicated as 'unsafe' here have water that is necessarily unclean or polluted. 

Essential: An infographic uses reports by the CDC to show travellers which countries have safe drinking water
Essential: An infographic uses reports by the CDC to show travellers which countries have safe drinking water

The CDC reports that no countries on the continents of Africa and South America contain water suitable for drinking, and a handful in Asia: Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, Israel and South Korea. 
In Oceania, Australia and New Zealand benefit from safe drinking water, with the CDC advising to avoid drinking water in the rest.
A large number of European countries have treated water that is deemed drinkable, though there are several in Eastern Europe where caution is advised. Full details are shown on the infographic below.
Illnesses that can be transmitted through water include cholera, hepatitis A, typhoid and travellers' diarrhoea.
The infographic, compiled by NeoMam Studios, also includes advice on how to prevent illness by being aware of the water with which you brush your teeth and shower.
Tips on how to make untreated water safe for drinking are also noted.

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Zobo Water "The healthiest drink in Africa" to be launched in 2017 throughout Africa

Health Benefits Of Zobo Drink

Hibiscus tea can be drunk hot or cold. As iced tea, the infusion is known to satiate thirst quite effectively. It is often recommended as an alternative to artificially made commercial "sport drinks" that are marketed to physically active individuals. Hibiscus tea's ability to cool the body is well documented by cultures that include it in their diet or medicinal practices. This benefit is probably associated with the diuretic properties of hibiscus, a property that helps in the excretion of excess fluids from the body.

2.High Blood Pressure
The antihypertensive properties of hibiscus tea were noted by a study in which 70 people were involved; half of them drank hibiscus tea once daily and the other half took 25 mg of antihypertensive medicine twice daily. After a month, 79 percent of the tea drinkers experienced a ten point reduction in blood pressure, 84 percent of the ones that took pharmaceutical medicine also experienced the same reduction in blood pressure. Hibiscus is an antioxidant. It has properties that prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins; a substance in our blood that if increased beyond normal quantities may cause high blood pressure.

3.Weight Loss
Some tea drinkers use hibiscus tea to aid in weight loss. The body produces an enzyme known as amylase which functions to break down complex sugar and starch molecules in food. When a person consumes too much carbohydrate-rich food (full of sugar and starch) that individual is most likely going to gain weight. According to, hibiscus contains a substance that can inhibit the production of amylase. A person regularly drinking hibiscus tea can thus prevent too much absorption of carbohydrates and consequently not gain excess weight.

4.Cough and Colds
According to the book "Healing Herbal Teas," fresh hibiscus flowers contain around 6.7 mg of ascorbic acid, a form of vitamin C, which is one of the more essential nutrients needed by the body. Along with this significantly beneficial substance, hibiscus is known to have anti-inflammatory and mild anti-bacterial properties. Thus hibiscus tea is often used as a supplement to help treat coughs and colds. Because of its cooling effect, it is especially effective in reducing the discomfort of fevers that may accompany such ailments.

Besides containing a significant amount of ascorbic acid, hibiscus is made of the following nutritional substances: 1.145 g of protein, 2.61 g of fat, 12.0 g of fiber, 1,263 mg of calcium, 273.2 mg of phosphorus, 8.98 mg of iron, 0.029 mg of carotene, 0.117 mg of thiamine, 0.277 mg of riboflavin and 3.765 m of niacin. Given all this, it can be said that hibiscus tea can serve as an excellent food supplement and an aid to boost the body's immune system.
 Extracts of the flower is alkaline in nature and has been known to have cleansing properties. It helps to keep the body’s pH balanced, (without white sugar).The extract is used fresh for making wine, juice, tea, spice and the likes. The flower has pectin that CAN make a firm jelly. It can also be used raw in salads. The red flower contains antioxidants including flavonoids. The flesh Hibiscus flower is also rich in riboflavin, Vitamin C, niacin, carotene, calcium, and iron which are all nutritionally necessary.

Zoba Water Africa distribution, partnership, investment

Contact Jonathan de Rin + 44 0207 193 3604

Tosan Demeyin  +44 7553463494  Nigerian Representative for  Zoba Water Nigeria Ltd

Zobo Water is part of the MP1 Group

An ancient local drink 
All natural ingredients
Good for your health 
Lower your blood pressure
Boost your immune system 
Vitamin  C
Lime juice
Pineapple juice 
Natural diuretic
Keeps body pH balanced 

Note : The fresh Hibiscus flower is also rich in riboflavin, vitamin C, niacin, carotene, calcium, and iron, which are all nutritionally necessary.